Senin, 20 Desember 2010

tahukah anda"humming bird "satu-satunya jenis burung yg bisa terbang mundur di dunia dgn kepakan sayap, 50 kepakan/detiknya....!!!!!

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

sran-art and design: Sra Adventure just especialy Mahakam Up Stream

sran-art and design: Sra Adventure just especialy Mahakam Up Stream: "saya Masran .let see Mahakam up streams detail,we can life with local people (spesialy Dayak people ) and see amazing panorama.Please Contac..."

Sra Adventure just especialy Mahakam Up Stream

saya Masran .let see Mahakam up streams detail,we can life with local people (spesialy Dayak people ) and see amazing panorama.Please Contact me at: my mobile 0852 5012 4295.
I enjoy reading all of your kind messages and do truly appreciate them...I wish I can reply to all of them. I look forward to reading them every chance I can

sran-art and design

Menjual tanduk rusa :
dgn replika kepala kayu dan veberglass,
menjual topeng Hudoq,patung,uang kuno,stamp(perangko)menjediakan :jasa membuat kepala rusa jika ada yg berminta di buatkan, hub Facebook: or my mobile 0852 5012 4295

I enjoy reading all of your kind messages and do truly appreciate them...I wish I can reply to all of them. I look forward to reading them every chance I can